Three Shocking Things About Marrying Foreigner
Death, birth, soul mate, and fortune are mysterious things that we will never know. In fact, sometimes, these things come unexpectedly. When you are studying abroad, it turns out you meet your soul mate, who is a citizen of the country where you are studying. Of course, you will not be able to hide your happiness. But on the other hand, you must be worried about some things because getting married to another citizen will certainly cause some problems, including:
New Culture
Married to foreign citizens will certainly make us find very striking cultural differences. People who intend to marry a foreign citizen must be prepared for this. Sometimes this difference will be felt in small things, such as eating habits. However, slowly, you and your partner will get used to each other’s culture. The most important thing is respect and have tolerance for each other.
Food Choice
Every country in the world has its own characteristics. One of them is culinary. The spices used are different, some have strong herbs, and some have simple herbs. When married to a foreign citizen, of course, we will live in one house and do many activities together, especially eating. Maybe, in the beginning, there will be a little problem related to this. It would be nice if you and your partner schedule some days of eating food from each country. Who knows, you and your partner can find a recipe for a mixture of two countries that is unique.
Complicated Requirements
Unlike marrying a citizen from the same country, marriage with a foreign citizen needs patience. There will be many document requirements that must be met in order to continue to get married. You even have to go back and forth to the embassy. However, you can ask for the help of a lawyer to help with the process. You can ask the services of one of migration lawyer Sydney namely Hermis & Associates via